Oh, hey. It's just me...the div tag. You probably have been wondering what happened to me. Oh, I'm still here. I'm just not getting that much work these days. Are you building a website? Is anyone you know building a website? I could help. I could just be a container if that's what you need - anything, really.Times are tough...

It's not fair, you know? Web designers are too concerned with profit these days. They don't care about the elements that helped them succeed in the first place. They're thinking, “Why hire a div tag when you can use HTML5 for cheaper overseas?” I'll tell you why. Ethics. Goddamn ethics.

Oh sure, it's easy to just lump all of us divs together and say we don't matter, or that we're obsolete. But take a closer look! We're not all the same. We've got identities - each one of us performing a different function, but still sharing in the common bond that is divhood. We take our work seriously because we're proud of who we are. You think an article or nav tag is going to understand that? No way, man. They've got no class.

So you go ahead and embrace your fancy new HTML5. Yeah. Do it. Stab me in the back, just like all those stylesheets did. But I want you to look at yourself in your webcam every night and think about what you did to your old friend, div. Think about him out on the web, scrounging for a DOM to sneak into for the night.

Hell...I'm not even in the source of my own memorial...

Please leave your condolences for the <div>: